Better late than never!
Well here we are, with 14 weeks left to go... time's shortening!My bump pic will have to come later on.I think in the last week that bump has grown, it feels like baby has grown more low... I suddenly need the loo more, and the buttons on my trousers really dig in to me. I've loosened my jeans today to the biggest elasticated option on the inside!We got the fixtures and fittings list yesterday from the seller - she's being nice and leaving all the normal things that you would expect, plus the dishwasher - yay! We also got a survey thingy which she's filled in and everything seems great, plus the land registry info, which really doesnt mean much to me if Im honest!Here's what babycentre says about week 26... "The baby now weighs between 1.5 and 2 pounds/ 680 and 900 grams and is approximately 9 inches/ 23 centimetres long from crown to rump. He makes breathing movements but has no air in his lungs yet. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn his head, which according to researchers, means his optic nerve is working.
At every antenatal visit, your midwife or doctor will take your blood pressure and do tests on a sample of your urine. In this way, pregnancy-related conditions such as pre-eclampsia and diabetes can be detected and treated.
Your fingers, wrists and hands may be feeling achy and numb. The carpal tunnel in the wrist is swollen, as are many other tissues in your body. Nerves that run through the tunnel end up pinched, creating pressure that manifests itself as shooting or burning pain. Wearing a brace may help; so will taking vitamin B6. Talk to your midwife or doctor about other ways to cope."
...I can't get no sleep. :(I woke up about 3.30 this morning to go to the loo, and couldn't get back to sleep again, plus I woke both Jack and baby up too - so we were all awake! Jack went downstairs and had a cup of tea and relax down there and I tried my hardest to go back to sleep but I had baby kicking and I think I fell asleep about 10 minutes before my alarm went off, that's what it felt like anyway. I'm so tired this morning, I had to stop and get a hot chocolate and croissant to perk me up! I'm hoping the milky drink will help to curb the heartburn, I had it bad again yesterday.More great news on the house front yesterday - our seller has instructed her surveyors to survey her property, so we have done the same. I spoke to the solicitor, who said she's sent a fixtures & fittings list etc (already!), and said that we should be in by APRIL! Wooooooohooooo, I'm sooooooo happy!Baby was so movey yesterday, Jack was laughing at the amount he could feel it - for about 15 minutes non stop pounding and twisting - we've got a proper wriggler!Had another names discussion. Louis seems like a fave at the moment.
We had some great news yesterday - the seller of "our house" has had her offer accepted on the house she liked, and it has no forwarding chain, it's all going through ok. We're going to get onto the mortgage people today to instruct them to start the survey. At last things can move forward!It's scary, one of the May Mummies on had her baby this weekend! It really brings it home that it could happen at any point, and we are soooo unprepared, so I really would like to get in the house sooner rather than later.I had the most massive heartburn yesterday - worst than I've ever had, I think I could have breathed fire! Yoghurt and milkshake calmed it a bit, but it was still hardcore. I fell asleep about 10.30, then woke up again at 11.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I couldn't get comfy - the tops of my legs were aching so much, I couldn't do anything to ease the pain. I could hear Jack sound asleep so got up and made myself a hot chocolate and fell straight asleep - result!
I went back into work on Friday, I felt a lot better, but I was soooo tired! I think my body had got used to lazing about in bed with daytime TV as company!We've been watching baby moving around through my clothes! Saturday I was laying down, wearing a jumper, and it looked like I had a cat in there it moved so much! Even on the train this morning I could see bubs popping about, it's mad! As soon as either Jack or I tells anyone else to look, it stops though!We went out on Saturday night with our friends who had baby Charlie in December, they have said we can borrow their moses basket. Charlies starting to smile now! Can't wait to see him again!Yesterday, Jack took me to Pizza Express, and we were chatting about the baby, and whether we thought it was a boy or girl, I put my hands on my tummy and said "if you're a boy, kick now", and it kicked straight away (it hadnt been moving before that!), then I said "if you're a girl, kick now" and after about a minute it kicked! I guess we can't read too much into that though!