So here is my little update of what's been going on...
House: we got the keys and have been decorating furiously! Jack has been doing very well with the painting, his parents have helped with the painting and cleaning, and mine are coming up this weekend to help us too. We've got a lot further than I thought we would have by now. We won't move in until it's decorated, and we have our carpet coming in 2 weeks, which we ordered yesterday. I think once we've reached that point it will seem a lot more like ours as it still has touches of the old person in there. She left it sooooo mingingly dirty - there were dog hairs everywhere, and the kitchen and bathrooms seem like they have never been cleaned EVER, so I've spent a lot of time on my hands and knees scrubbing making it all clean enough for us to put our stuff in. Finally we have a nursery! We have painted it now, but this is what it was like when we first got the keys...
Baby: Has been doing well, poking me with a little foot in my left hand side constantly, but definitely moving down, I can feel it burrowing a lot now! I have the midwife tomorrow so I will find out if the head's engaged any more. I did my first lot of baby washing this evening. My nan had bought us a really nice wool shawl from John Lewis, and I have totally ruined it in the wash, not sure if I should fess up, or replace it. If I have to hand wash it every time it gets dirty though, maybe it's not so practical? I just feel so bad, eek. Here's a pic of my washing!
Me: I've been feeling a lot more uncomfortable and tired. I don't know if the tiredness is associated with the work I've been doing at the house, but I feel like I *have* to do some stuff, and I have been resting lots and trying to keep things as light as possible. Feeling lots of pain in my lower back now, and feeling baby a lot more at night when I want to sleep. Here is my bump tonight, at 35+6 (oh my God, 4 weeks to go!)...
My maternity leave has been bought forward, and I finish THIS FRIDAY!