Saturday, December 31, 2005


Yesterday, we went to Bluewater - it was ram-jam! Didn't really think it through properly, but then again EVERYWHERE is busy in the xmas holidays. We were going to go to the cinema but the queues were so long, we decided against that, then went into Santa Fe for some lunch. While we were choosing what we wanted, I felt something inside me, on the left hand side & below my belly button, like tiny little bubbles, very light - they kept coming for a few minutes on and off then went and came back again a bit later on in the meal. I have thought in the week that I have felt flutters but I didn't know if I was imagining them, but this was definitely real! Woohoo!

We had a look in a few shops, and popped into H&M, they had the maternity section in there, I found one at last! They had a few nice things and I got a nice warm brown cardie and a smart black top. The cardigan had one of its buttons coming off so they gave me £5 off, result!

For ages I have been fancying Krispy Kreme doughnuts so I bought a dozen, they are now all gone! I don't know how many I had but I reckon it was about 7 (shhh!)

We went to visit little baby Charlie again today, 3 weeks old today, he's such a sweetie. Our baby did some more bubbles too! I love it!

We had a look through the baby name book again for inspiration for a boys name, Jack's Mum came up with Dennis today. Yum!

Gotta go to get ready for NYE! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee x

Thursday, December 29, 2005

16 Weeks Pregnant

Wowie, I really can't believe we've hit the 16 week mark. 4 months. It feels like yesterday I got the positive result!

Here are my bum pics for this morning - excuse the PJs!

 says this about week 16... "You may not know it when it happens, but your tiny tenant frequently gets the hiccups, which babies master before breathing. Babies don't make any sound because their trachea is filled with fluid rather than air.
Although you've probably gained between 5 and 10 pounds / 2.2 - 4.5 kilograms, the fetus weighs in at around only 5.5 ounces / 156 grams. It measures approximately a little more than 4.5 inches / 11 centimetres long, crown to rump. Legs are growing longer than the arms now, fingernails are fully formed and all the joints and limbs can move. You may be able to find out the sex of your baby by ultrasound now, since the external genitals may be developed enough that the ultrasound technician can tell you if you're going to have a boy or a girl.
If the idea of having a baby seems so remote, nothing makes it feel more real than feeling your baby move for the first time. Most mums-to-be discern movement (called quickening) between 16 and 20 weeks. If you've been pregnant before, you'll feel things earlier rather than later. What you may first think is a rumbling stomach may be your baby doing some back flips. Make note of when you first start feeling the baby and tell your midwife at your next visit. This middle stage of pregnancy is a good time to start exercising."

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

First Midwife Appointment

We've had a lovely Christmas, and had the excitement of the midwife's visit to keep us on our toes.

She came round this morning, through the snow, and stayed for about an hour. She was a very nice lady and everything went very well.

Firstly, we went through my maternity notes - talking about family history, if we smoked, did drugs etc etc - anything they may need to know which may affect the baby or the labour. She then spoke to us about antenatal classes and showed us what Barnet has to offer on the NHS. I asked her if the NCT ones were worth doing and she said they were good and they had smaller classes and can be more thorough. The leaflet she gave us said the NHS course lasts 3-4 weeks, but the NCT ones last 8-10 weeks so you must get told more information.

She then told us about the triple test which is the blood test you have which tests to see your risks of having a baby with downs syndrome or spinda bifida. This test has to be done at 16-18 weeks, and as I'm in the 15th week at the moment she has asked me to go to the hospital next week to have that done. She took 3 other vials of blood to test for Rubella, Hep B etc, and a urine sample to test for protien and sugars which were fine, she's going to send the sample away too to check for any infections.

Once she'd done all the horrid things she got me to lay down and she tried to listen for the baby's heartbeat. She felt my tummy first and found where the baby is, she said it's very big and grown a lot since my first scan. She then put the doppler on my tummy and within a few seconds she'd found the baby's heartbeat - it was very fast and loud - she said it was very good and powerful. She kept it there for about a minute which was lovely for us to hear.

She also took my blood pressure, and Jack asked to have his done too because he's never had it done before! We both have very good blood pressure according to her. She gave me all the information I need to contact her or any of the other 4 midwives on her team - I have their pager number and general number if I have any queries or emergencies. She's also going to book me in with the consultant for 20 weeks, and has asked me to make an appointment with the midwife at the surgery for in 4 weeks, which is also at 20 weeks. I also have my scan at 20 weeks, so a very busy week that week!