Thursday, October 27, 2005

7 Weeks Pregnant

Wooohoooo today we've reached the 7 week mark, how exciting! But I feel the sickest I have ever felt. Yucksville. I've decided that I will try to add a photo each week to show how my bumps progressing, so to start, here it is this morning, at 7 weeks...

I know I know, it looks quite big for only 7 weeks old... but here's where I must add I didn't exactly have a flat stomach to begin with! It has definitely grown, and before pregnancy, it was 'pinchable', now it's firm and hard!

I didn't go in to work today until 11am, I felt as rough as a dog. We went out to our friends' new house last night and for a bite to eat, it was really nice because it took my mind off feeling sick. She gave us the baby trainers (sooo cute) and 18 babygro's! 6 for newborn-3months, 6 for 3-6 months and 6 for 6-9 months!! They are teeny tiny and it meant Jack couldn't sleep because he got excited all over again!

I woke up and couldn't even stomach my early morning toast, I just had to go back to bed. I didn't feel good all day (I told work that I had been sick in the night and couldn't get myself up just yet), so I told them I still felt sick when I eventually dragged myself in, which was nice because I was treated a little more delicately than usual!

I've ordered a little bump belt off the internet http:// which apparently is recommended to use from 2 months of pregnancy, incase of any jerks in the car, basically the belt pushes into your lap rather than tummy, it also means its more comfy once the bump is more prominent!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Instant Dinner

Last night all I wanted to do was get in, lay down and not move again! Jack and I had planned to make a lasagne from scratch, but I couldn't be bothered, and now, when I'm hungry, I have to eat NOWWWWW!! So Jack went and bought a pizza and garlic bread and cooked that up... dinner in an instant!

I'm feeling a bit better today thankfully.

I've decided I'm going to tell another one of my friends too... I was going to tell her at the party, but the right moment hadn't come up... and now we've been house sitting in N.London I keep hoping to bump into her on the tube but haven't done so far!

Ooooh I've had a look on for some inspiration... we only have one name we like for a girl and that's it! Can you believe, some people actually would call their child 'Chaviva'!?!?!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Oh Mum!

My mum's just told me she suffered with morning sickness alllllll the way through her pregnancy with me, and she was in labour for 26 hours. I reeeeealllly hope I don't take after her! I'm still feeling a bit sicky, I hate hate hate it!


Last night was a verrrrrry tearful one. I won't go in to details over what, but I don't think I usually would have been as bad! Jack was very good at comforting me and making sure I stayed relax, for the sake of the little bubba.

The remote control for my tv has been lost, and it won't work without it. I felt really bad going up to bed at 10pm and Jack having to do the same as there is no tele to occupy him! I think I'll have to look for one of those universal ones....

Oh, and I forgot to say in yesterday's entry that I told my Dad, Stepmum and his parents this weekend too and they all were very happy!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Lazy Weekend

The weekend went well... on Friday I went and got some 'Mum To Be' vitamins from Boots, and they most definitely have helped. I have been eating a slice of toast every few hours too, but I have felt so much better since taking them. Lucky I got 90 of them ;)

It was lovely just catching up on sleep and lazing around on Saturday, we watched the X Factor and just got a take away which I was more than happy to do!

Yesterday we went to view our first house in S.E, which was nice, but the bathroom was downstairs which is a bit impractical, so Jack drove us round seeing if we could see anything nice and looked in some estage agents windows... Im hoping this isn't going to take too long!

Jack's been lovely, and when I woke up this morning he'd made me some toast and a glass of O.J so I wouldn't have to move and end up feeling sick.

We're house-sitting this week so it will be nice to be pregnant and alone for a while!