Tuesday, July 04, 2006

21 Days Old

The health visitor weighed him today - he's 9lb 5oz already! Better dig out those 0-3 month clothes!

What a life!

20 Days Old

Louis had a bath in the kitchen sink!

19 Days Old

We went to visit our new house and wait for some deliveries. Louis wasn't interested in the England World Cup match, he preferred having a snooze

18 Days Old

Here's Louis doing his "oooh" face, which is quite a regular!

17 Days Old

He was playing happily with Daddy, and as soon as I got the camera out, this happened!

16 Days Old

Here's Louis after a nappy change. He doesnt like being changed but is very calm afterwards when he's all clean and fresh!

15 Days Old

He didn't like his bouncy chair at first, but he's getting used to it now (kinda!)

14 Days Old

He's having a swaddled snuggle with his grat grandma here, 14 days old. You can see a lot of the chub has now gone.

13 Days Old

Louis lurves his milk - here he's chilling out with mummy post-feed when we visited his nanny & grandad

11 Days Old

Sometimes when he's sleeping, Louis opens one or both of his eyes slightly, which really freaks us out!

10 Days Old

Nanny Sue and Louis are having a cuddle in the picture above. In the one below, Louis is copying his daddy.

9 Days Old

Here he is, 9 days old after being rocked to sleep by his daddy

8 Days Old

We didn't take any pictures of day 7 for some reason, but here are Louis and Daddy on day 8 having a sleepy snuggle.

6 Days Old

Louis was in a bit of a state, then my little sister starting practising her recorder, and it had a mesmerising effect on him! By the way, that's my Mum holding him - I can only wish that someday, I too will be that tanned!

Knowing he liked being wrapped up, and a couple of barely-sleeping nights, we decided to try swaddling...

And here are his little tootsies!

5 Days Old

Jack's Mum had bought a clothes set from Next... Jack wanted to see if they fitted, so here's Louis dressed in his dungarees with no top on underneath, day 5!

4 Days Old

Louis' grandparents came to visit on day 4 (Jack's parents), they couldn't wait to see him!

3 Days Old

Louis' likes being wrapped up before he goes down to sleep, it makes him feel like he's being cuddled...

2 Days Old

Our first visitors were Shelley & Ray, other than the neighbours. All our friends kept saying that they would wait until the stampede of visitors stopped, but there was no stampede! Shelley & Ray had just got back from holiday and had the day off so came to see our new arrival.

1 Day Old

Here he is, one day old - we'd just got him back from the hospital and put him in his carrycot. He looks quite chubby cheeked here compared to how he looks now, at 3 weeks old.

Back Again!

It's taken a while for me to get round to posting on here - you really dont understand the work that goes into looking after a newborn baby until you experience it yourself. Im gradually getting used to the nights getting up and feeding for an hour or more a few times a night, and some nights where we only get a couple of hours of sleep in total.

Im going to share some photos from every day (minus a couple where we didnt take any pics!) of Louis life... here he is a few hours old in the hospital: