Thursday, January 05, 2006

17 Weeks Pregnant

Wow, I'm 17 weeks pregnant today - can't believe it, time is absolutely flying by! I have to let work know in 7 weeks when I will want to be off on Maternity Leave. At the beginning "15 weeks before your due date" sounded like ages away!

I rang the local NCT lady today, because she said she would send me an info pack, which still hasn't arrived, and we definitely want to go, so thought I could book them then and there. She said I am on her list but she isn't booking the classes yet but will call me nearer the time. I was a bit confused because all the other June Mummies on Handbag have theirs booked up, but as long as I'm on her list and that means I will end up with a place then I'm happy!

I'm feeling ok - been getting lots of aches in the back and the top of my bump like stretching. And I've been absolutely ravenous, I am eating eating eating!

This is what says about the 17th week... "Your baby is now about the size of an avocado (about 5 inches / 12.7 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighing approximately 6 ounces / 170 grams). In the next three weeks he'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling his weight and adding inches to his length.

In or out of the womb, babies are playful creatures. Yours may already have discovered his first toy — the umbilical cord — which he'll enjoy pulling and grabbing. Sometimes he may even clutch it so tight that less oxygen gets through, but don't worry — he doesn't hold onto it long enough to harm himself. The circulatory system and urinary tract are in full working order, and he's inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through his lungs.

Sometimes, when you move suddenly, you may a feel a slight pain in your sides. Ligaments on each side of your uterus and pelvic walls are stretching as your baby grows. It's normal to feel some pain, but if it continues for a few days or escalates, talk to your midwife.

You've probably gained at least 2.2kg/5 lb by now, maybe as much as 4.5 kg/10 lb. Your uterus is growing and you might feel pangs caused by the ligaments stretching in your abdomen. These pains are usually temporary but your growing uterus will put extra strain on your back — follow our tips for protecting your back so that you avoid backache."

Here is my bump now, at 17 weeks:

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Triple Test

This morning, I went to the hospital to have the triple test done. It's basically just a blood test, which tells you your risks of your baby being born with spina bifida or down syndrome. Both Jack and I are young and healthy, so not worried, but had it done for peace of mind really. The reason the midwife couldn't take the blood last week was because the test has to be done from 16-18 weeks, and I was only 15+5 when she saw me.

Nothing really exciting to tell about it - blood was taken into one vial, then I had to take it to the ante-natal unit so the courier can pick it up this afternoon to take it away to be tested. We will be contacted within the next few days if there are any problems, but if all is ok we will get a routine letter letting us know our odds.

I went via H&M in Marble Arch on my way into work, they have a big maternity section there but all the things I liked were only in L or XL so came away empty handed.

Nothing much else to report on. Oooh I've subscribed to Pregnancy & Birth magazine for 6 months - it's a great read!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy new year! We had a lovely time last night - just went to a friends' house party which was nice because I got a spot on the sofa! Jack managed to drink for the three of us, but all the girls were cooing over my bump and all the boys telling me to go away 'cos I was getting them all broody! Here is our first pic of the three of us - I'm getting very noticeable now!

My high heels didn't last as long as midnight - I changed into my slippers! We were home by 2am because I was so tired, and I think it was a wise move to stop Jack drinking before he got past the point of no return!

The loud music was making lots of bubbles in my tummy from the baby, it was great!