Saturday, January 28, 2006
20+1 Bump Pix
Thursday, January 26, 2006
20 Weeks Pregnant
It’s been an excellent day today for a number of reasons! Let me update you on the house situation, and then we’ll move onto baby cos I have lots to say!
Ok, so we viewed the house again, Jack really liked it, and we spoke to her about our situation and feelings. We both came out of the house really positive and decided we would put an offer on on it! So on Tuesday I rang the estate agents, put and offer in – and we heard back yesterday that the offer had been rejected. So we went back with another offer, and found out today that it has been accepted! We’re soooo happy! I just hope everything goes well with the survey and it doesn’t take the seller too long to find a house – I know she wants to find somewhere quickly too. It’s quite scary because we’ve never done it before, not knowing what the next step is etc, but it’s exciting too!
Now onto our beautiful little baby! We had the 20 week scan today, and 20 week midwife appointment...
I went to the midwife’s first, it was just a routine appointment… I took a urine sample which she tested – all was fine. She took my blood pressure – that was fine too. Then she got me to lay down while she listened to the baby’s heartbeat – it was lovely to hear it again! She found it straight away and listened for about 10/15 seconds. She said the baby was in just the right position. I was asked how I was feeling – I told her about my sore ribs, she said it sounded like positioning, and was nothing to worry about (but it hurrrrrttttsss!), and I showed her my weird-puffed-out-one-side-belly-button… she said I will get all kinds of things with my belly button, spots and moles… and it’s all fine.
Then it was onto the hospital for the scan. I drank two litres of water in preparation, and I needed to wee soooooo much; I thought I might wet myself! I laid down, and was told that she was going to have a good look at baby today, and she would do everything she had to do with the screen facing her, then once that was done she would turn the screen to me so I could see baby. Jack was sitting by my feet again, so he could see the screen all along, so all I had to go on was his face. He looked so confused that I started getting worried, but I knew I’d heard the heartbeat only half an hour before, and the sonographer seemed to be content with what she was doing. She measured the head, and counted fingers and toes… and I don’t know what else, but where the baby is getting big now, it’s hard to make out the bits when she’s looking close-up, which is why Jacks face looked puzzled! It took about 10 minutes for her to do all her bits, and she then turned the screen round so I could see – and showed us a full body picture of our baby. We saw all it’s facial features, and even saw it opening and closing its mouth – she said the baby was drinking some fluid! We saw both arms, and all the fingers, it gave us a little wave – and even gave us a peace sign at one point! We saw both legs and feet too… it looked perfect! We asked for 9 copies of the scan picture because so many people had asked us for one, she printed 11 so we paid for 9 of them and she threw the other 2 in for us. Last time we had a scan she had made us 5 copies of the same picture – this time we have 11 different pictures! It’s going to be hard choosing who will get which picture, and because they are all different, I want them all! I’ve scanned them all in so I still have a copy of them all. And here they all are!
The bump pic for this week will have to wait until tomorrow!
Here's what says about week 20... "You're halfway there! The top of your uterus now reaches your belly button and will grow about a centimetre per week. The fetus measures around 6.5 inches/ 15 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs about 9 ounces/ 255 grams.
She has started to swallow amniotic fluid, and her kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on the scalp is sprouting.
Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses — taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch — are now developing in their specialised areas of the brain. Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. If you're carrying a baby girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, she'll have about one million.
You no doubt feel the kicking and somersaulting of your growing baby. At times, she may be so mobile that you can't sleep. The next ten weeks or so will be your baby's busiest and most active time, until the womb gets too crowded. Two will soon be three and that will mean lots of changes, so have a look at our relationships section."
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Second Viewing
We called the estate agent to book a second viewing on the property we saw yesterday. It was lucky that we did, because we found out when we went to see it in the evening, that an offer had been made, but because the seller knew we were interested she didn't accept.
Jack seemed to like it a lot more, and was getting excited about it - I think he looked at it more like a blank canvas, and I noticed a lot more things that I hadn't noticed before! When we got home we decided we were going to put an offer on today. We couldn't sleep through excitement, and I rang up the estate agent this morning and put in an offer.
We haven't heard whether or not it has been accepted yet, but the agent has called to say that the seller is thinking about it but she said it's looking good, and we should know by this afternoon - it just feels like forever and I can't stop looking at my phone to check it's on etc!
A very exciting week... only 2 days to the scan too!
Monday, January 23, 2006
A Kick for Daddy!
We went out for Jacks best mates birthday on Saturday night. Lots of people that were there hadn't known I was pregnant so there were lots of congratulations flying about! When we went in, Jack went to pay for us both and the bouncer said "oi there's 3 of you there!". Stupidly, they had heating on in the club - it was boiling! Another pregnant girl that was there, and I were sooooo hot - she went and asked them to turn it off, and aparently someone had complained about the air conditioning, so they decided to turn on the heating instead?!!!
Yesterday we went to view a house, and we like it! I'm going to arrange a second viewing today. It's 3 good-sized bedrooms, which has been well looked after, and within our price range. It's within walking distance to the High Street, but it's on quite a main road which is a bit of an off putter for me, but it's definitely one of the nicest houses we've seen. I really want to get a move on with the whole house situation now, I want to be ready by the time the baby is here.
We went to the cinema afterwards then went home and watched more films! We were watching Celebrity Big Brother, laying down in bed... I had my hand on my stomach and felt a big kick... on the outside! I got Jack to put his hand on the same place, softly, and a few minutes later, there was another massive one! He definitely felt it and we were both so happy and excited!
I had a weird dream last night that we had our scan done and were left alone in the room, so I was using the machine on myself, and found a willy... and the baby kept swinging it around as if to say "cooie, I'm a boy!"