Friday, June 02, 2006

38 Weeks Pregnant!

In my maternity notes, there lies my estimated due date; 15th June 2006. It then says something along the lines of "babies arrive 2 weeks before or after this date". We have two weeks. Argh!

Busy week again this week - finally got the travel system, and a few other bits like the mattress and changing mats, all we need now is the cot, then we're done. It's coming in stock this week apparently, and even if we don't get it in time then it's ok as we have the crib and moses basket. Done more washing too, I love it! I bought some fabric softener for the first time as the first batch of clothes I did came out a bit crispy, and I'm in l-o-v-e love! Comfort Pure is the way forward, it smells gorgeous too!

Here is my bump yesterday, at 38 weeks. Excuse the attractive ensemble, but when you're on maternity leave and not seeing anyone, dressing for comfort is the key:

And here is what Babycentre says about week 38... "Can you tell if you're carrying a boy or a girl? One hint may come from the size of your baby -- boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls. Babies at week 39 weigh about 6.8 to 7 pounds / 3 to 3.2 kilograms and continue to build the fat stores that will help regulate body temperature after birth. Your little one's organ systems are fully developed and in place, but the lungs will be last to reach maturity. (Even after your baby is born, it may take a few hours before she establishes a normal breathing pattern.)

Wondering what colour your baby's eyes will be? Most Caucasian babies are born with dark blue eyes and their true eye colour -- be it brown, green or blue -- may not reveal itself for weeks or months. The colour of your baby's eyes in the first minutes after birth won't last -- exposure to light changes a baby's initial eye colour. Most African and Asian babies usually have dark grey or brown eyes at birth -- their dark eyes becoming a true brown or black after the first six months or year. Multiracial children often turn out to have the most beautiful coloured eyes."