Saturday, November 12, 2005


Mum and I went out for a Chinese after work and had a good long chat about everything - I feel very happy and content and I know she is very pleased for me.

When we got in, I noticed an NHS envelope... tore it open, and it was the letter telling us of our first scan... Thursday 1st December! Although we knew we would be getting a dating scan, just having a date to look forward to is amazing! And it's not too far away either... WOOHOO!

Friday, November 11, 2005

9 Weeks cont...

In the 9th week (as I am now), says... "The tiny tail is disappearing and so many changes have taken place that your baby has changed from an embryo and is now officially a fetus. This is the critical stage when your baby's organs are forming. The baby is now constantly moving and shifting, though you won't be able to feel anything for several weeks. The arms have grown and the hands are now flexed at the wrists and meet over the heart. The legs are lengthening and the feet may be long enough to meet in front of the body."

I stayed at home again last night - Jack's Mum, and now Jack's sister have the sickness bug, I don't want to risk getting it and doing any damage. Hopefully Jack won't have picked up any of the germs so can come stay with me in my germ-free home!

Mum told me she's secured me a babyseat and pushchair from a friend of hers (yes, although we told them not to tell anyone, our parents seem to have told EVERYONE!) I'm surprised there hasn't been an ad in the local paper at the rate they're going!

We booked tickets to see Little Britain Live next November, someone's going to have to babysit! Our first babysitting favour to be asked, how exciting!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

9 Weeks Pregnant

Well I know I'm 2.5 hours off the 'actual' 9 week mark, but just took a bump pic and had to post it up (won't have time in the morning)!

I've just noticed how much I've grown since the 7 week bump pic!

Proud of Daddy

Yesterday I managed to get through to a human at the Ante Natal Unit. My doctor had told me I'd be getting a Midwife appointment at 10 weeks, and a scan at 12. The lady at the AN Unit said that I get a scan at 12-15 weeks and a Midwife appointment after that. Very confusing. Anyway, I gave her my details and she said she could see me in her system so a letter should be coming out by the end of this week regarding my scan. Woooohooooo! I can't wait until I have a date for my scan!

I was sooooo tired yesterday, and I ended up working until 7.30 - the worst day that I could have worked late seeing how tired I was! I had to go to the loos to have a little cry about it! All day I had been looking forward to getting home, having dinner, watching Eastenders, having a bath and getting in bed.

I'm very proud of Jack - he didn't smoke at all today. Nada, nought. He said he keeps fancying one, but then thinking of me and the baby and that's over-riding his feelings. He's smoked 20 a day for over 10 years, so I really hope he manages to quit. I've told him if he lasts for a week I will treat him. Argh I don't know to what though!

I'm going home tonight, so I will be able to get a bump pic for 9 weeks. See ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I'm back into my 5-meals-a-day-stage now YUM! If I don't eat I feel empty so I have to give my body what it's asking for.

Jack's dad was sick in the night last night - the bathroom is next to our bedroom, so I heard everything, felt so much sicker, and couldn't sleep after that. Well I did, then the bin men came, oh joy! So I'm not the happiest of campers today.

On the good side, I have the right extension number for the antenatal department that I need to talk to to chase my midwife appointment. The bad side is they are constantly engaged, but I'm on the right track now at least.

Monday, November 07, 2005


The weekend was lovely - did nothing on Friday night but relax with a takeaway and the tv. Saturday we went to look round some houses, and abslutely fell in L-O-V-E with one of them. Went out on Saturday night to a friend's birthday (very smoky pub) - I felt like I'd been smoking in the morning! Yesterday we went out for a big fat Sunday lunch and dreamt about our lives in "our house".

I called the estage agent this morning to ask which direction the garden faced, and got an "oooh I haven't got a clue" (very helpful, thanks).

This afternoon I hoped the same lady wouldn't answer the phone, and called back to try and arrange another viewing in the daytime (it was dark when we saw it the first time) - and they've accepted an offer on it BOOHOO!

I've been looking on the net since then, but no where seems to compare - it was perfect. May be a little expensive, but it was ideal.

Prawn has been fine - I watched lots of Discovery Home & Health (lots of births) and been scaring myself! I think I should stay away from those shows, especially when we're eating!