Friday, July 14, 2006

Fatty Boom Boom

Did you notice, when I was first pregnant I was updating this every day, and slowly, over time, how little time I am getting to update? That's babies for you! Well, I'm lying a bit... we've moved into our house (hooray) and have no internet connection there as yet, so even if I had had the chance, I couldn't have!

We've all been fine, and last week met up with the other Mums & babies from my NCT class, it was nice to get out of the house, ,to have adult conversation in the day time, and talk to people who's kids are the same age, kinda like comparing notes! I HAD to buy some clothes too - I know it should be an insentive to loose weight and get out of my maternity clothes, but it's just too hot. I'd gone up in top size which I imagined as my boobs have ballooned, but my bottoms I have gone from a size 10 to a 14, how annoying! The other annoying thing is that as much as I want to have my old figure back, I keep craving Bounty's and McDonalds.

We went out yesterday to town and I put Louis in his sling, I caved in and had that new Chicken Summer Deluxe, and I spilt the sauce on the carrier - serves me right and just made me feel even more guilty for having it - it was minging anyway!

Louis' grown more; he's been wearing his first 0-3 month outfits and has moved up to the next size nappies.

When I subscribed to Mother & Baby magazine I was asked if I would ever consider testing any products for them. I said yes, and last week got an email asking whether or not I was breastfeeding & expressing - I replied yes, and this week have been bombarded with packages to test for their awards... 4 pumps, 5 different type of anti-colic bottkes, and 2 sterilisers!