Friday, March 17, 2006

27 Weeks Pregnant!

I know I'm a day late, but I felt rough yesterday - sick all day and very watery. My eyes were just streaming, and I kept doing watery burps. Yum! Then when I was having my dinner it felt like baby had on a pointy hat and pointy shoes and scraping my insides. I had to go and lie down with Footballers Wives. Bump pics will come later.

According to Babycentre... "Your baby may measure about 38cm/15in long with feet extended. If you could see your baby now, you might be able to get a glimpse of his baby blue (or brown, green, hazel) eyes, which are now beginning to open. Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the nerve pathways to the ears are complete

Response to sound grows more consistent toward the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to the ear is complete. He also continues to take small breaths and although he's only breathing in water and not air, it's still good practice for when he's born.

Since your baby is now growing so fast, and brain development is so intense at this stage, your nutrition is very important. Continue to eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of grains and vegetables. Fibre-rich foods, including whole-grain breads and cereals, lentils and brown rice are high in vitamin B and help fend off constipation.

Your childbirth class should start sometime in the next few weeks, if it hasn't already. Classes should provide you with good, clear information about the birth and the early days of parenthood. Keeping informed goes a long way toward calming any concerns you may have about giving birth."

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Stuff (getting so un-inventive with the titles)!

Wooohooo! Got me some new Premium Bonds last month, and they've won me £200 this month! Yee-ha!

That counter-balances the news we got from the surveyors - there's something wrong with the roof of 'our' property, so we've arranaged for a roofer to go have a look, give us a roof report, tell us how bad it is and how much any work might cost to repair. I'm hoping it's nothing major, and hopefully we can get the seller to pay for it, but it's just a hassle to have to wait for something else before things can move along further. The mortgage company won't release funds until they have that roof report, so it's just something that has to be done. I'd want it done for peace of mind anyway now - don't want the worry that my roofs going to cave in on me and my suckling babe and bloke!

I ordered some stuff from Lakeland for our house yesterday and accidently rang up quite a big bill, so I think the Premium Bonds win came at a good time! In with that though, I bought a few scrapbooking things - I really want to start and I think a baby and new home are good subjects to start with!

Really toying with the idea of a 4D scan. It's the kind of thing you wish someone else would buy for you, so you have no choice but to do it. I think you can never get the baby back in there to do it again if you change your mind, you get to bond with baby, and it's a keepsake which you can pass on to your child when they are older, and it's amazing! The bad side is that you get to see the baby (even though that's a good thing!), but does it take the surprise out of the birth, knowing what it looks like already?

Monday, March 13, 2006


Jack was ill this weekend, so we didn't do much - chilled at home, spoke about ideas we have for the house, and what kind of things we'd like to have, what we think we will need - it was nice!

Yesterday we went to Costco to have a look at some of the stuff they had to see if we could get any inspiration, and saw a lurrrrverly fridge freezer! I also managed to find a coat there that does up. It's not the most attractive coat I've ever seen, but at least my belly can stay warm now!

We went out for lunch, and on the way back popped into Tescos and got some baby things. 3 Winnie the Pooh sleepsuits (£7), 4 other sleepsuits with a bear on them (£5), and a Little Roo blanket (£4), bargainous!

Baby woke us up last night - Jack and I were snuggled up in bed, and it kicked Jack in the back!