Monday, November 14, 2005


I had a Jack and germ-free weekend, which was very boring! It's rubbish doing nothing by yourself!

Saturday I stayed in bed all day, and tidied up a bit. In the evening I went round to my friends house and got a take away and sat thinking of names.

Yesterday I heaved while I was eating my breakfast. It was discusting! We went out for a family lunch, I came home and felt so rough I had a bath and put myself to bed.

This morning I had to sit next to the bowl of the toilet for a while because I kept heaving, my eyes kept watering and I thought I was going to hurl any second. Luckily my Mum was there and heard me so bought me some dry cream crackers to nibble on. Yum.

Jack's coming round to stay with me for a few days until his house is completely clean again, so that's something nice to look forward to!

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