Saturday, December 31, 2005


Yesterday, we went to Bluewater - it was ram-jam! Didn't really think it through properly, but then again EVERYWHERE is busy in the xmas holidays. We were going to go to the cinema but the queues were so long, we decided against that, then went into Santa Fe for some lunch. While we were choosing what we wanted, I felt something inside me, on the left hand side & below my belly button, like tiny little bubbles, very light - they kept coming for a few minutes on and off then went and came back again a bit later on in the meal. I have thought in the week that I have felt flutters but I didn't know if I was imagining them, but this was definitely real! Woohoo!

We had a look in a few shops, and popped into H&M, they had the maternity section in there, I found one at last! They had a few nice things and I got a nice warm brown cardie and a smart black top. The cardigan had one of its buttons coming off so they gave me £5 off, result!

For ages I have been fancying Krispy Kreme doughnuts so I bought a dozen, they are now all gone! I don't know how many I had but I reckon it was about 7 (shhh!)

We went to visit little baby Charlie again today, 3 weeks old today, he's such a sweetie. Our baby did some more bubbles too! I love it!

We had a look through the baby name book again for inspiration for a boys name, Jack's Mum came up with Dennis today. Yum!

Gotta go to get ready for NYE! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee x

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