Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Football Player?

I think we may have a hyperactive child on our hands! Not that I'm complaining - I absolutely LOVE feeling the baby punching and kicking, but it's developed suddenly into constant full-on movements, which is all very exciting! If I lay down and leave my hands on my tummy, every 1 in 5 moments can be felt. I told Jack to keep his hands on my tummy last night, and in about 5 minutes he felt about 10 movements - he was really happy!

House news - it's off the market! Woohoo! We had a meeting with our Financial Advisor last night and have our mortgage sorted which is a big relief, and we have a solicitor (dontcha know ;)). Our lovely friend Mark Portas, who is an estate agent and works at Callum Roberts, Holborn, London, WC1, which I hear is a very good estate agency (is that good enough Mark?!), put us in contact with a very good solicitor, so everything is going through at the moment, and the property is off the market. It's been handy to have Mark on hand to call when we haven't got a clue what we're meant to be doing next! Now we need our seller to find a house, everyone keep your fingers crossed! I want to be in by April ideally.

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