Monday, February 27, 2006

Stuff I Forgot...

...Woopsie, I'm loosing my brain!

We were in Tesco's on Saturday, at the deli counter, and as I had just got my ham, the lady behind the counter asked if I had long to go. I thought she was talking about with the ham, and couldn't work out why she was asking me that... and then I realised she was talking about the baby! She must have thought I was a nutter, it took me a good 10 seconds to register what she meant!

The estate agent called - the seller of "our house" has found a house over the weekend! Excellent news, we've just got to hope her offer gets accepted and that it's not in a chain. I never knew all this house stuff was so complicated!

I also got my Parenting Club stuff through from Boots this morning. I registered to be part of their Mother & Baby club back in October when I found out I was pregnant, and I still hadn't received anything about 6 weeks ago, so called them up, and they said that they didn't have my application. Anyway, it was worth the wait! I got a book of vouchers this morning - triple points every time I buy Huggies, 1500 points every time I spend £75 or more on baby things, any No7 item up to the value of £16 for free, any Boots Medeterranian Item up to the value of £5 for free, Boots Botanics deep conditioning hair mask for free and loads of money off coupons! Yipppeee! Guess who's going shopping for free?!

Jack has managed to start properly communicating with the baby... he's been tapping certain parts of my belly, and the baby has been hitting him back in the same place! Jack says he's doing high-fives with him!

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