Sunday, March 26, 2006

28 Week Bump Pix

I am so tired, I cant understand why I am awake, and on here.

Last night we had a massive birthday party for Mum. I didn't get to sleep until nearly 3am, and was awake early this morning. We went out for a Mother's Day lunch, and I felt like a zombie - absolutely knackered and just wanted to be in bed. At 7 o'clock, I got into bed, and could have fallen asleep, but decided to look through the Babies R Us and Mothercare catalogues, and then watch some tv. I turned the tele off at 10.30 and just have a million things going round in my head. I keep thinking about boxing things up. I was going to get up and box things up. I can't believe it! After looking at all the stuff that is piled up near the pile of boxes, I decided against it and remembered that I haven't stuck my 28 week bump pic up yet, so that's what I'm here to do, as well as hopefully make my eyes tired from staring at the computer screen.

I'm already dreading work tomorrow.

Here's the bump, 28 weeks...

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