Monday, March 20, 2006

NCT Sale

Lots of my friends had been asking me if I was doing a sweepstake for the baby. I soooo don't have the brain power at the moment to do it myself, so I set one up on - so far everyone bar one thinks I'm having a boy it seems!

Saturday, Mum and I went to our local NCT Nearly New Sale. I knew it was the kind of thing Jack wouldn't like, and my Mum would love (women love a bargain!), so off we went. We had to stand outside in the freezing cold for about half an hour before we were allowed in - but we were 4th in the queue - woo! No sooner had we got in there though, than the whole place was packed out!

There were people with stalls selling their 'nearly new' baby stuff - there was loads to buy - prams, moses baskets, bouncers... but LOADS of clothes! I only bought two items of clothing, I had to make sure they were soooooo new because otherwise Jack would have had a fit! I got some very girly leopard print shoes, and a very boy-ey Burberry shirt. There was a little old lady there selling things she'd knitted and made too, and was so sweet. She had made loads of blankets that were copies of Taggies, but so much cheaper, so I bought one of them too.

We went to Next on the way home - the first one I'd found with a maternity section, and I was so disappointed - it was all discusting and didnt fit. Im size 10 but even the size 14 maternity tops didn't cover my bump. They had great baby clothes, and Im sure I could spend a fortune in there once baby's born and we know the sex and size of it, but wouldn't bother going back to check out the maternity stuff.

We also popped into Tescos, they didn't have any new bits since we were in last week, but Mum did buy us an Avent microwave steriliser.

When we got home, lots of things I had ordered had arrived - including some ultra-comfy over the bump pyjamas from La Redoute. Also a whole load of things from Lakeland. Slowly slowly my Mum's house is starting to look like box land. Woopsie. Hopefully not too long til we have somewhere to house those boxes ourselves!

Had really bad pains yesterday in my bump - when I got up, on the right hand side. I thought I was having contractions! Maybe they were Braxton Hicks? Well I had a lovely relaxing bath, with masses of bubbles, candles, and Smooth FM, and I felt a lot better after.

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