Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hello Charlie!

I've just realised that I'm not posting here much, apart from the bump pics and babycentre stuff about what is happening that week - and that I really must stop!

I think its just because theres not much happening to tell about. I still haven't been contacted with a midwife appointment, which I'm starting to worry about, but not overly so. Some of the Handbag ladies will be having their 2nd midwife appointment at 16 weeks, and I'm almost 14 weeks and haven't even had one! I think it's silly giving you one so late - the beginning is when you need to know what you can and can't eat, the reassurance regarding the feelings etc.

Saturday night we were meant to be going out with our friends who have a baby due on xmas day (eek!). We got a call on Saturday morning to say that she'd had a show, so the baby could be arriving within the next week, so they were going to stay in instead. Sunday morning, I awoke with a text message from her saying that she'd had him at 11.30 that night! Welcome to the world Charlie! It's so exciting and I can't wait to see him! Jack and I went to Mothercare to look for a pressie for him but we weren't overly impressed. I spotted a little snuglo 'Action Man' knotted hat yesterday though, and I know Jack loves the snuglo stuff too, so whipped that up!

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