Friday, December 16, 2005

Waste of Time

Yesterday was a complete waste of time. I trundled off to the GPs, all excited about seeing a midwife and finding out more about the bubba, and ended up waiting 45 mins in the waiting room.

I then went through and met the midwife, she was lovely. Basically, when I rang up the doctors on Tuesday to ask when my appointment would be, they said "come in Thursday", when really the Thursday appointments are for ladies further along in their pregnancies, and are only 15 min slots. So I was told I would get a call in a few weeks to arrange my booking in appointment, which is the first appointment you have, and the midwife will come to my house to do that.

I got home and cried and cried! I'm very emotional at the moment anyway, and expecting something then getting nothing was very disappointing.

Roll on 3 weeks then!

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