Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Baby on Board

Well I am in a better mood today you will be pleased to hear!

I had an absolute nightmare of a day yesterday and I knew it was going to be one even before I'd got dressed, but I won't go into details as today is a new day!

I've booked my optitians appointment for next week, but have found out I can't use my maternity exemption certificate, only at the dentist & doctors, as the pregnancy hormone doesn't generally change your eyesight that much apparently. However, because I look at a VDU for over 4 hours a day, my employer has to pay for my eye test, so at least I get a bit of help there!

One of my colleages bought me in a 'Baby on Board' badge - I remember they did them last year on the Underground but haven't seen them for yonks. Anyway, she found some when she went to the gym so got one for me! It will be handy for in the mornings when I'm all wrapped up in my jacket so no one can see my bump!

One of the May Mummies on has had the same symptoms as me - bad skin, spotty chest & back, illuminous wee... and just came back from her 2nd scan, where she's been told she's having a GIRL! So now I'm not 100% that we will have a boy! Just have to wait and see!

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