Monday, January 09, 2006

More Headaches

We had a lovely weekend - Saturday I stayed in my pyjamas the WHOLE day long, how embarassing - but it was lovely! We didn't do much yesterday either so it was nice to catch up on some rest after the first week back at work.

I received the info pack from the NCT - it basically had loads of leaflets in there about all different things - hiring TENs machines, home births, midwives etc etc, and a letter saying what the antenatal classes cover and that we are on the waiting list. There was also a catalogue in there which was fun to look through.

I didn't feel baby move a lot yesterday, so I started freaking myself out, thinking something had happened, convinced my bump had shrunk etc etc, and when I got to work this morning and sat down, it was dancing around like it was in the middle of a rave, which was nice reassurance!

Maybe because of the worry, or just the excitement of it being Monday the following morning, I slept so badly last night - I feel as if I've had 10 minutes sleep in total so feel like crap today. On top of that I have a headache over my left eyebrow AGAIN and my eye is constantly twitching. I've decided to book an appointment for the optitians; I was due a check up about 6 months ago anyway, and now I can use my maternity exemption certificate! The only thing is, because my body has changed so much and will be, I don't know whether they will change my prescription or not. But then again, I can't go for the next 5 months with these headaches, it would make more sense to change my lenses now, and once baby is born if my body is changing that much.

Sorry my post today's not very upbeat but I just wanna go home and get in bed!

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