Friday, February 24, 2006

24 Weeks Pregnant!

Well, 24 weeks and 1 day now!

I was in so much pain yesterday I couldn't bear doing anything, which is why this is being blogged now, rather than then. I've been getting a stitch-like pain in my bump when I walk, and yesterday morning it was snowing, so I had to walk a little faster (especially as my coat no longer does up!), but in doing so, I made the stitch come and stay allllllllll dayyyyyyy longggggggg. I got home, had a nice soak and got into bed and watched the trashy but delicious Footballers Wives, and felt a lot better. This morning I literally pigeon stepped into work to stop it from coming back!

I've bought two books about the birth... Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, and Stand & Deliver, both which were recommended from some other June Mummies on Handbag. I've started with Stand & Deliver, and it is just great! Before reading it, I was really nervous about the whole birth experience, and thought it would be very painful and result in me having an epidural. I haven't finished the book yet, but already I no longer am nervous - I want it to be a positive experience, and am even thinking about a water birth!

We bought a glider chair and footstool too yesterday - off eBay and only paid £88 incl P+P! Its exactly the same as the ones sold on and is actually the same seller, but a lot cheaper! We might have a slight storage issue until we have the house, but hey, we got a bargain!

Ooooh our mortgage has been accepted too! We're very happy! I just want to be in the house now though!

I'll have to add a bump pic over the weekend, but here we are with what Babycentre has to say about week 24... "Your baby now weighs a little over one pound/ 450 grams and measures about 8.25 inches/ 21 centimetres from crown to rump. Her hearing is well established and she can make out a distorted version of your voice, the beating of your heart and your stomach rumblings. Loud noises often heard in utero, such as the barking of a dog next door or the roar of a vacuum cleaner, probably won't bother your child when she hears them outside the womb. Numerous studies seem to indicate that the unborn prefer classical music, especially Vivaldi. Play The Four Seasons for your child and pay attention to her movements. Does she quieten down during adagio sections and speed up for the allegro portions? You may have a budding conductor in your womb.

In addition to advances in your baby's hearing, her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. She's swallowing but usually won't pass stool until after birth.

If your baby were to be born now, she would have a good chance of survival (about 85 per cent) with the right care. Advances in science and technology now mean that a 24-week-old baby can grow outside the womb if necessary.

As for you, you may feel clumsy now that your centre of gravity has shifted. Your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth and your belly button, once an 'innie', may now stick out. Don't worry. It'll revert to its pre-baby state soon after you give birth."

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