Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Doctor Doctor...

... my pyjamas have shrunk!"

I couldn't believe the size of me last night, I had to take a pic!

Baby decided last night that it felt like being it's old self again - it was bouncing away like a loony in there, and Jack felt it for about 5 minutes non stop - baby kept punching his hand, then it started kicking and Jack saw my belly move where baby had kicked!

We went and drove past "our house" last night to check the For Sale sign had been taken down, and it had, and was replaced with a Sold one - yay!

I woke up in the night with the most painful leg cramp EVERRRRR! I didn't know how to get rid of it, but in the end sitting up cross legged seemed to do the trick, but it's still playing up this morning - hope it's not going to be a regular occurance.

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