Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Stuff (getting so un-inventive with the titles)!

Wooohooo! Got me some new Premium Bonds last month, and they've won me £200 this month! Yee-ha!

That counter-balances the news we got from the surveyors - there's something wrong with the roof of 'our' property, so we've arranaged for a roofer to go have a look, give us a roof report, tell us how bad it is and how much any work might cost to repair. I'm hoping it's nothing major, and hopefully we can get the seller to pay for it, but it's just a hassle to have to wait for something else before things can move along further. The mortgage company won't release funds until they have that roof report, so it's just something that has to be done. I'd want it done for peace of mind anyway now - don't want the worry that my roofs going to cave in on me and my suckling babe and bloke!

I ordered some stuff from Lakeland for our house yesterday and accidently rang up quite a big bill, so I think the Premium Bonds win came at a good time! In with that though, I bought a few scrapbooking things - I really want to start and I think a baby and new home are good subjects to start with!

Really toying with the idea of a 4D scan. It's the kind of thing you wish someone else would buy for you, so you have no choice but to do it. I think you can never get the baby back in there to do it again if you change your mind, you get to bond with baby, and it's a keepsake which you can pass on to your child when they are older, and it's amazing! The bad side is that you get to see the baby (even though that's a good thing!), but does it take the surprise out of the birth, knowing what it looks like already?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

when we bought our house last year the elctrical survey told us that it was dangerous to live in... we asked the sellers to put it right before we moved in and they said there 'wasn't enough time'... so we managed to persuade them to give us the money to get it done on the day we moved in! might be worth trying something like that, so the work doesn't delay your moving?
