Monday, March 13, 2006


Jack was ill this weekend, so we didn't do much - chilled at home, spoke about ideas we have for the house, and what kind of things we'd like to have, what we think we will need - it was nice!

Yesterday we went to Costco to have a look at some of the stuff they had to see if we could get any inspiration, and saw a lurrrrverly fridge freezer! I also managed to find a coat there that does up. It's not the most attractive coat I've ever seen, but at least my belly can stay warm now!

We went out for lunch, and on the way back popped into Tescos and got some baby things. 3 Winnie the Pooh sleepsuits (£7), 4 other sleepsuits with a bear on them (£5), and a Little Roo blanket (£4), bargainous!

Baby woke us up last night - Jack and I were snuggled up in bed, and it kicked Jack in the back!

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