Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Life - you plod along, day by day, nicely minding your own business. It's exciting albeit stressful at times, but you deal with it, get over it, and don't let it get you down. Yesterday, either my stress threshold has changed, my hormones were all over the place, or it was a very stressful day.

It's too much of a long story to even go into it - but basically it ended with very irate clients on the phone to me having a go at me for something that wasn't my fault. And because it was regarding a job that was done in the middle of the night (i.e. when I was nicely tucked up in bed), I didn't know enough to back the situation up. This resulted in me putting down the phone after 5 minutes of blame, and balling my eyes out.

After lunch, another client came over, and bought with him a selection of yummy cakes. It made me feel so much better and it can make such a difference when people are nice. I don't want to ever be horrid.

Then end of the day another client turned up balling her eyes out, pissed as a fart, and I had to sit and console her for half an hour, even though I should have been on that tube on the way to my relaxing bath. Hope she's ok this morning.

New dawn, new day. The madmadmad clients are due in this morning, I'm scared! Might make out I'm on the phone when they come in, don't know if I can face them.

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