Monday, January 23, 2006

A Kick for Daddy!

We had to get our car serviced early on Saturday morning, so decided to take advantage of being up quite so early, and how empty the shops would be, so went to Bluewater while we waited. We had a look in all the baby clothes places... H&M, Gap Kids, Petit Bateaux etc... all the clothes were so adorable... but very gender specific. Nearer the time we will have to buy a 'going home outfit' for our little one... that will be such fun! We had a look in the maternity places too - I just bought another bump band from Topshop in black. We had a look in John Lewis and Mothercare at Nursery items and pushchairs. John Lewis had some lovely feeding chairs in there that rocked forwards and backwards, with a footstool that did the same... Jack and I could have stayed there all day, they were so comfy! They had a lady doing hand and foot prints on clay with babies too - they looked really good. The pram section, which is what we really wanted to look at, was quite cramped up, and lots of people were looking at them, so we didn't get much of a look and left feeling a bit more confused than I had been going in! Mothercare was great... not as many to choose from, but could totally get hands on pulling bits apart and putting different things on there! We saw a travel system we liked, not saying that this is THE pram we will end up with, but it's up there at the moment. We like the fact it is a travel system but with a lay-flat attachment too (a baby can only stay in the carry cot attachment found on many travel systems for a limited amount of hours because of the damage it could do to their backs).

We went out for Jacks best mates birthday on Saturday night. Lots of people that were there hadn't known I was pregnant so there were lots of congratulations flying about! When we went in, Jack went to pay for us both and the bouncer said "oi there's 3 of you there!". Stupidly, they had heating on in the club - it was boiling! Another pregnant girl that was there, and I were sooooo hot - she went and asked them to turn it off, and aparently someone had complained about the air conditioning, so they decided to turn on the heating instead?!!!

Yesterday we went to view a house, and we like it! I'm going to arrange a second viewing today. It's 3 good-sized bedrooms, which has been well looked after, and within our price range. It's within walking distance to the High Street, but it's on quite a main road which is a bit of an off putter for me, but it's definitely one of the nicest houses we've seen. I really want to get a move on with the whole house situation now, I want to be ready by the time the baby is here.

We went to the cinema afterwards then went home and watched more films! We were watching Celebrity Big Brother, laying down in bed... I had my hand on my stomach and felt a big kick... on the outside! I got Jack to put his hand on the same place, softly, and a few minutes later, there was another massive one! He definitely felt it and we were both so happy and excited!

I had a weird dream last night that we had our scan done and were left alone in the room, so I was using the machine on myself, and found a willy... and the baby kept swinging it around as if to say "cooie, I'm a boy!"

1 comment:

blusuga said...

Wow I found someone that is as pregnant as me, only that Im due 19th June. Bumps are similar size and I thought that I was too big.