Thursday, October 13, 2005

Big Fat Positive!

I woke up this morning with still no sign of my period. I had had all the symptoms of it coming since Saturday - such bad pains in my stomach and inside legs, but no show which baffled me. We decided last night that I should do a test this morning if there was still nothing, as I was now 4 days late.

I stayed at home because I had the dentist, waited until I heard everyone else was downstairs, then crept to the loo armed with my First Response. 2 lines = pregnant, 1 line = not pregnant. It said on the box to wait for 3 minutes, but as soon as I'd weed on the stick, the two lines were shining bright at me! I was shaking so much, and found myself saying "Oh My God" out loud to myself! I still wasn't sure if I was imagining it so I had to take a picture so I could convince myself later on in the day when I'd start questioning what I'd seen.

I'd decided I didn't want to tell Jack over the phone - I thought it would be more special in person, but I knew keeping it to myself would be agonising! On the way to work I thought about how I would tell him and his reaction, and kept finding myself rubbing my tummy.

I went into Baby Gap and bought a pair of new-born socks. Stage One of my plan!

The day had never gone slower... it dragged and dragged. Jack had said to me the night before that he might go out to watch the football, so I was praying he'd decided against it so I could tell him our news! He picked me up from the station and in the car I told him I'd bought him a present which of course, he wanted to see there and then. I said he'd have to wait until we got home, and once we were in the bedroom, out came the socks!

His face was blank at first, he was just looking at them, then smiled and said to me "are you pregnant?" I nodded, and he smiled again, looked at the socks and asked me "really?", I nodded again and he said he wanted to do a dance! We had a little hug and the belly had lots of kisses, it was lovely!

We had dinner with his Mum and Sister, it was so hard because all we wanted to do is talk about it, but we couldn't... we just kept giving each other secret grins.

We went to bed and chatted about it some more. Jack was being very sweet, tucking me into bed, talking to my tummy, and telling me to be careful when I was lying on my front.

I think because I don't have a big bump right now, and I'm not throwing up (I dont want that as a symtom either thanks!), it doesn't feel real! We went to sleep happy and smiley, but I don't think either of us got much sleep what with everything whizzing through our heads.

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