Saturday, October 15, 2005

Sinking In

I hardly slept at all last night, all I kept thinking about is how to tell our parents, and also, we want our close friends to know, so how do we choose who to tell and how?

We know you're not really meant to say anything until the 3 month mark, but these are my close friends, and touchwood it doesnt, but if anything did happen to me or bubs, I would need them there to support me, so no harm in telling.

I had a look on Amazon today because I wanted to order some kind of book to help me through all my stages and to find out what I can and can't do and or eat. There are sooooo many books, I went to Borders to sneek a peak through some, and had a look at what our baby looks like at the moment, and I think he's (oh my God I'm calling it a "He"!!??!!) about the size of a little prawn at the mo! Awwwww!!

I went out with my Mum after lunch and had a strong urge to tell her, but I decided to wait until we can tell my parents at the same time as Jacks.

Jack's picking up my engagement ring tonight from the jewellers, so now it will fit me, Hooray! I'm really glad that we were engaged before conception, it just feels like we're more of a little family now!

We really need to get a move on with the house front, and also need another car... I don't think the Smart car will be sufficient for three of us!

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