Friday, October 14, 2005

Pregnancy Test # 2

Tummy was woken to more kisses this morning from Daddy - both of us are on cloud nine, although understandably tired, still buzzing from the news.

When both of us are at work all we want to do is see each other so we can talk about it!

I rang the doctor to book my first appointment, and have one first thing on Monday which will be great as we will find out our due date. According to the website bubba is due on 15th June, which is mine and Jack's anniversary, and also his birthday! Let's see what the doctor has to say first though.

On our way home from work we stopped off at Sainsburys and Jack bought another First Response test for me to do. We just wanted to be sure, and Jack also wanted to see the positive test for himself. As soon as we got back, I did it, and again, straight away the two pink lines came up. Another wave of reassurance came over us and we now know I definitely am pregnant!

We spoke about when we will tell our parents, and decided it will be nice to tell them all at the same time, so hopefully we will be able to nab them at the Engagement Party to tell them they're all going to be Grandparents!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

hello there - came to your blog through handbag, and can see i'm going to be reading the whole thing as opposed to doing other things i really need to do!!

just wanted to say that 15th june is also my fiancé's birthday. a great date :)

sarah xx