Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

I haven't posted a message for a few days because I felt so rough. I went to Holland & Barrett on Friday to get some crystalised ginger, and bought a ginger and choc chip flapjack which I picked at all afternoon and I did feel a lot better.

I felt ok-ish on Saturday, we went to a Halloween party in the evening and I stayed on my bum allllllll night because I started feeling the tiredness.

I also took out my belly bar. There are special ones you can wear through pregnancy which are stretchy, but I don't really think I will be bearing my post-pregnancy belly to many people, so it's come out! Jack's happy because now he can rub our bump without catching himself on anything!

I got a bit worried yesterday because I was experiencing pains which were worse than the period-type pains I had been having before. I asked on the Handbag forums, and apparently they are perfectly normal, and is just the uterus stretching, which made me feel a lot better and made both me and Jack more reassured.

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