Thursday, November 03, 2005

8 Weeks Pregnant

Today bump celebrates it's 8 weeks of life. Hooray! I know last week I said I was going to post a bump pic each week, but we've been house-sitting and I forgot to pack my camera! So 9 weeks will be the next pic installment. According to babycentre " the eyelid folds are forming, the tip of the nose is present, and the arms now bend at the elbows and curve slightly over the heart." Wow.

It seems I've been getting lazy with my blogging, but I just don't want to end up like a stuck record moaning about how sick I'm feeling! This week has been rough. Still no actual vomit, but I'm feeling closer and closer to that point and I don't like the feeling! I actually feel ok as I'm writing this, so hopefully that will be it for a while *please*!

Jack's been excellent while we've been house-sitting, letting me lie down while he makes us dinner, and making sure I get enough veggies. Every morning when he drops me off he says "love you" then "love you bump".

My jeans are getting tighter, no one's offering me a seat on the trains yet though which is a shame cos I'm sure now is the stage when I'd really appreciate it!

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