Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Instant Dinner

Last night all I wanted to do was get in, lay down and not move again! Jack and I had planned to make a lasagne from scratch, but I couldn't be bothered, and now, when I'm hungry, I have to eat NOWWWWW!! So Jack went and bought a pizza and garlic bread and cooked that up... dinner in an instant!

I'm feeling a bit better today thankfully.

I've decided I'm going to tell another one of my friends too... I was going to tell her at the party, but the right moment hadn't come up... and now we've been house sitting in N.London I keep hoping to bump into her on the tube but haven't done so far!

Ooooh I've had a look on for some inspiration... we only have one name we like for a girl and that's it! Can you believe, some people actually would call their child 'Chaviva'!?!?!

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