Monday, November 07, 2005


The weekend was lovely - did nothing on Friday night but relax with a takeaway and the tv. Saturday we went to look round some houses, and abslutely fell in L-O-V-E with one of them. Went out on Saturday night to a friend's birthday (very smoky pub) - I felt like I'd been smoking in the morning! Yesterday we went out for a big fat Sunday lunch and dreamt about our lives in "our house".

I called the estage agent this morning to ask which direction the garden faced, and got an "oooh I haven't got a clue" (very helpful, thanks).

This afternoon I hoped the same lady wouldn't answer the phone, and called back to try and arrange another viewing in the daytime (it was dark when we saw it the first time) - and they've accepted an offer on it BOOHOO!

I've been looking on the net since then, but no where seems to compare - it was perfect. May be a little expensive, but it was ideal.

Prawn has been fine - I watched lots of Discovery Home & Health (lots of births) and been scaring myself! I think I should stay away from those shows, especially when we're eating!

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