Friday, November 11, 2005

9 Weeks cont...

In the 9th week (as I am now), says... "The tiny tail is disappearing and so many changes have taken place that your baby has changed from an embryo and is now officially a fetus. This is the critical stage when your baby's organs are forming. The baby is now constantly moving and shifting, though you won't be able to feel anything for several weeks. The arms have grown and the hands are now flexed at the wrists and meet over the heart. The legs are lengthening and the feet may be long enough to meet in front of the body."

I stayed at home again last night - Jack's Mum, and now Jack's sister have the sickness bug, I don't want to risk getting it and doing any damage. Hopefully Jack won't have picked up any of the germs so can come stay with me in my germ-free home!

Mum told me she's secured me a babyseat and pushchair from a friend of hers (yes, although we told them not to tell anyone, our parents seem to have told EVERYONE!) I'm surprised there hasn't been an ad in the local paper at the rate they're going!

We booked tickets to see Little Britain Live next November, someone's going to have to babysit! Our first babysitting favour to be asked, how exciting!

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