Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Proud of Daddy

Yesterday I managed to get through to a human at the Ante Natal Unit. My doctor had told me I'd be getting a Midwife appointment at 10 weeks, and a scan at 12. The lady at the AN Unit said that I get a scan at 12-15 weeks and a Midwife appointment after that. Very confusing. Anyway, I gave her my details and she said she could see me in her system so a letter should be coming out by the end of this week regarding my scan. Woooohooooo! I can't wait until I have a date for my scan!

I was sooooo tired yesterday, and I ended up working until 7.30 - the worst day that I could have worked late seeing how tired I was! I had to go to the loos to have a little cry about it! All day I had been looking forward to getting home, having dinner, watching Eastenders, having a bath and getting in bed.

I'm very proud of Jack - he didn't smoke at all today. Nada, nought. He said he keeps fancying one, but then thinking of me and the baby and that's over-riding his feelings. He's smoked 20 a day for over 10 years, so I really hope he manages to quit. I've told him if he lasts for a week I will treat him. Argh I don't know to what though!

I'm going home tonight, so I will be able to get a bump pic for 9 weeks. See ya tomorrow!

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