Monday, December 19, 2005

The 4 Pregnancies of Xmas

On Friday night, we went out for one of Jacks friends birthdays. All the usual boys were there with their girlfriends, and everyone commented on the little bump and said I was showing! I lurve my bump! Another of the girls is one month further along than me so it was nice chatting to her to see how she was feeling and if she'd felt the baby yet (she had).

Then Saturday we went to visit tiny little baby Charlie - he is SOOOOOOOO sweet, so tiny and cute and he looks like both his parents so much! I had a little hold and he was just a little sweetheart and slept while he held onto one of my fingers. Then Jack had a little snuggle and loved it too, I'm so glad we're having one!

Saturday night I had my xmas meal with the girlies, and another of the girls is due 2 days before me - she rolled up to the resteraunt with a flat stomach! I couldn't believe it! I felt like such a fatty! But once we'd eaten it bulged out a bit, so it's all good! At least I can get a seat on the train ;) One of my other friends bought me a lovely jumper dress for xmas, which Im wearing as a jumper today, it has good coverage!

Im looking forward to this week very much! Only four days of work then off off off for xmas - it's gone so quickly I can't believe that this time next year we will have a little baby!

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