Sunday, January 15, 2006

18+1 Bump Pix

I got round to doing some bump pics on Friday night, here they are... me at 18 weeks and 1 day:

A friend of mine text me on Friday to say she had been thinking of me when all of a sudden she saw 3 magpies! (1 for sorrow, 2 for joy, 3 for a GIRL!)

We went out last night to a friend's leaving drinks before she's goes travelling for 3 months. I haven't seen her since becoming pregnant, she kept talking about the size of my boobs! She also said my face looked more mature and more 'Mummy' like! (I don't know whether that's a good or bad thing!!?)

Today we went to visit my Grandparents, who have very kindly given us some money to get some baby bits with.

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