Thursday, January 19, 2006

19 Weeks Pregnant

It was Jack's best friends birthday on Tuesday... he rang me up yesterday to invite me out on Saturday, and said he'd made sure that the place we were going to had chairs so I, and another pregnant girl who'll be going, can sit down. I thought it was really sweet that he thought of us, and call me personally to invite me... maybe my hormones are making me soft but I thought it was really nice.

My ribs have been hurting again recently. I'm seeing the midwife next Thursday so I will definitely speak to her about that, as well as my bad skin, and the funny popped out thing next to my belly button.

Here are my 19 week bump pix:

Here's what has to say about week 19:

This week, you officially begin your fifth month of pregnancy. Your baby may have reached 15 cm from crown to rump by now, and he can both feel and hear. Admittedly at the moment, all he can hear is your heartbeat and the flow of your digestive system but soon he'll be able to detect noise outside the womb and identify your voice.

Your baby is approximately 6 inches/ 15 centimetres long from crown to rump and she weighs about 8 ounces/ 225 grams. Her chest moves up and down to mimic breathing but she's not taking in air, only amniotic fluid.

A mid-pregnancy ultrasound scan is often done sometime in the second trimester (usually between 18 and 22 weeks) to assess fetal growth and development, screen for certain birth defects, check the placenta and umbilical cord and determine whether the gestational age is accurate. During this scan, you might see your baby kick, flex, reach, roll, or even suck her thumb. Bring your partner along, and whether or not he's able to accompany you, make sure you ask for printouts of the baby in various poses.

If you're having a girl, the vagina, uterus, and fallopian tubes are in place. If it's a boy, the genitals are distinct and recognisable.

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