Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy new year! We had a lovely time last night - just went to a friends' house party which was nice because I got a spot on the sofa! Jack managed to drink for the three of us, but all the girls were cooing over my bump and all the boys telling me to go away 'cos I was getting them all broody! Here is our first pic of the three of us - I'm getting very noticeable now!

My high heels didn't last as long as midnight - I changed into my slippers! We were home by 2am because I was so tired, and I think it was a wise move to stop Jack drinking before he got past the point of no return!

The loud music was making lots of bubbles in my tummy from the baby, it was great!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

just read the whole of your blog - really interesting! :)

good luck with the rest of the pregnancy! you're kaing me a wee bit jealous ;)

sarah xx