Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bringing it Home

We had some great news yesterday - the seller of "our house" has had her offer accepted on the house she liked, and it has no forwarding chain, it's all going through ok. We're going to get onto the mortgage people today to instruct them to start the survey. At last things can move forward!

It's scary, one of the May Mummies on Handbag.com had her baby this weekend! It really brings it home that it could happen at any point, and we are soooo unprepared, so I really would like to get in the house sooner rather than later.

I had the most massive heartburn yesterday - worst than I've ever had, I think I could have breathed fire! Yoghurt and milkshake calmed it a bit, but it was still hardcore.

I fell asleep about 10.30, then woke up again at 11.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I couldn't get comfy - the tops of my legs were aching so much, I couldn't do anything to ease the pain. I could hear Jack sound asleep so got up and made myself a hot chocolate and fell straight asleep - result!

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