Wednesday, March 08, 2006

In the words of Faithless...

...I can't get no sleep. :(

I woke up about 3.30 this morning to go to the loo, and couldn't get back to sleep again, plus I woke both Jack and baby up too - so we were all awake! Jack went downstairs and had a cup of tea and relax down there and I tried my hardest to go back to sleep but I had baby kicking and I think I fell asleep about 10 minutes before my alarm went off, that's what it felt like anyway. I'm so tired this morning, I had to stop and get a hot chocolate and croissant to perk me up! I'm hoping the milky drink will help to curb the heartburn, I had it bad again yesterday.

More great news on the house front yesterday - our seller has instructed her surveyors to survey her property, so we have done the same. I spoke to the solicitor, who said she's sent a fixtures & fittings list etc (already!), and said that we should be in by APRIL! Wooooooohooooo, I'm sooooooo happy!

Baby was so movey yesterday, Jack was laughing at the amount he could feel it - for about 15 minutes non stop pounding and twisting - we've got a proper wriggler!

Had another names discussion. Louis seems like a fave at the moment.

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