Monday, March 06, 2006

Mystic Bump

I went back into work on Friday, I felt a lot better, but I was soooo tired! I think my body had got used to lazing about in bed with daytime TV as company!

We've been watching baby moving around through my clothes! Saturday I was laying down, wearing a jumper, and it looked like I had a cat in there it moved so much! Even on the train this morning I could see bubs popping about, it's mad! As soon as either Jack or I tells anyone else to look, it stops though!

We went out on Saturday night with our friends who had baby Charlie in December, they have said we can borrow their moses basket. Charlies starting to smile now! Can't wait to see him again!

Yesterday, Jack took me to Pizza Express, and we were chatting about the baby, and whether we thought it was a boy or girl, I put my hands on my tummy and said "if you're a boy, kick now", and it kicked straight away (it hadnt been moving before that!), then I said "if you're a girl, kick now" and after about a minute it kicked! I guess we can't read too much into that though!

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