Saturday, April 22, 2006

32+2 Bump Pix etc

Only just got round to taking this week's bump pictures, so here is me 32+2.

We've been very busy - finally agreed a price reduction on the house yesterday, and we're in place to exchange this week, hopefully completing on 5th May! Wooohooo! About bloody time!

This morning we have been out at Homebase, buying paint brushes, rollers, dust sheets etc etc, just a few things to get us going so we don't need to worry about it all at the same time. Paint's cheapest in Costco so we'll have to do a trip there before we exchange.

People have been very nice to me - I have been leant 2 black skirts and black trousers from one of the HB Mummies that's had her baby. I needed something to wear to a funeral next week and she very kindly offered me the loan - they arrived so tried them on to decide what I was going to wear.

Also, arrived home and there was a moses basket set up in our room - one of the neighbours is loaning us their Mamas & Papas basket - so there was me worrying whether or not to get a crib or basket, and now we have both!

Also went and got the iron this morning. None of them said anything about non-constipating, so the sales advisor advised me to take sachets. I really don't know how I will be able to stomach them, but she said to take it in a glass of orange juice, and that will help to absorb the iron too. I got raspberry leaf capsules too. I don't think you start taking them til 34 weeks, but at least I now have them in readiness.

Got a couple more bits for my hospital bag, and got some non-bio washing powder to wash all the baby things we have already. My room looks like such a tip now with all the stuff we have waiting to be moved. But I don't understand, I haven't really even started to box things up yet - it's going to be hard!

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