Friday, April 21, 2006

Antenatal Class

We had our first antenatal class last night, I really enjoyed it. The other people there were nothing like in my dream, and were all really nice. We were definitely the youngest couple there, but there were a couple of other couples under 30 I reckon.

Last night was about getting to know each other really. We're all due in June which is nice, and all had big bumps! We had to make lists of what we wanted to learn about - the women made one and the men made the other... one of the things the men put down was when to give the woman flowers! Bless!

Didn't do a lot of actual learning, but spoke about breathing, pelvic floor, and not expecting to get back into shape straight away!

Jack seemed to enjoy it too - I think he thought he wasn't going to, but he seemed to have a good time!

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