Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter Weekend

Friday morning, my Mum and I went to Watford - we had to be back by 12, so we left about 9am in order to get some good shopping in. I bought my bag for hospital, and some bits for it - massive knickers, pads etc. I tried looking for inexpensive front-opening nighties but the ones I saw were either too grannyfied, or had sequins on the front which I don't think would be too nice against a baby's soft face.

We went to John Lewis and Mum bought us a swining crib, matress and sheets for it! Result! We had planned on having the cot in our room until the baby was old enough to go in it's own room, but now we don't have to worry about that. I got a waterproof sheet for use with the cot too while we were there.

We didn't actually end up leaving until 6pm! Woopsie - it always happens when me and Mum are together. I was so tired and my feet were so achey. On the way back to the car we went into Woolworths. I plonked myself down on one of the chairs, rang Jack, and then promptly put the phone on the seat next to me rather than back in my bag. 5 minutes after leaving the shop I had a rumage in my bag to try and find the time, and realised I didn't have my phone. As fast as my bump would allow, I waddled back, and it was still there - in the seat! I love the people of Watford for not stealing it!

Saturday morning I still felt exhausted. I had to get up cos we had The Easter Egg Hunt. Jack still wasn't well and was at home, so I hunted for the both of us. I came away with quite a find, and reported back to Jack at the end. We all watched Madagascar, then it was time for my family to go - they were staying with friends for the rest of the Easter break. I was bummed out with no Jack for company, so I ate one of my Easter eggs.

Later on Jack called and said he was feeling a bit better and he was going to drive up to see me - hooray! He came round, we watched Twins, got KFC, then went and I let him open all the things I'd ordered in the Play.com sale. One of the DVDs I got was Bugsy Malone, which I have never seen and he's always been so sure I'd love it, so we put that on then went to sleep.

Sunday we spent the whollllllle day in bed. Jack still wasn't feeling 100% and it was nice just to relax and do nuffink. If I was on my own it would have been crap, but I like it when Jack's there, we can talk about the tele or have a little snuggle, and it makes it nice.

Yesterday Jack was feeling a lot better. We decided we'd go and have a look in the sales - sofas have about a 10 week delivery on them, so we thought if we did see anything we would order it, and hopefully would be in by then. Considering we have just over 8 weeks til baby is due, we bloody well better be in by then!

DFS had a half price sale on, so we thought that would be our best bet. Only problem was, we fell in love with a sofa that wasn't in the sale - and comes up £800 over budget. We decided to have a think about it, and see if we can magic some money from anywhere.

We drove back to Jack's house. His Mum's friends were round - her Mum had knitted the baby 3 cardigans, really sweet of her.

I had my first leaky nipples experience yesteray too - it was, erm, shocking. I'm constantly whipping them out of my top now to see if they're leaking. Need to stop that before it becomes a habit!

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