Monday, May 01, 2006

33 Weeks Pregnant!

I know, I know, I'm reallllly late in posting this weeks updates, but I've been hecticly busy! We met up with our Aussie friends again and went out to London for the day, but unfortunately on the same day, got a call from the solicitor to say we couldn't complete on the house until 26th May, so that put a downer on the rest of the day - I felt a bit bad on them that we were in grumpy moods! We couldn't stay out too late either as we had ante-natal, it was good again but we were still bummed out from the news.

Friday we had a funeral to go to, to add to the upset! As we were getting ready though, we had a call to say that we can complete on 12th May and would we like to exchange today. We said yes of course, just shows what a bit of an argument can do (my Mum rang them up and said we would pull out if we had to wait that long!). So we got the call on the way to the funeral that we'd exchanged and the house will be ours on 12th! Woohoo! The funeral was really nice (well as nice as a funeral can be I suppose), and think the day went well for the family.

I've just been sorting out my room, putting more and more things into boxes, and yesterday we went to Macro and bought a microwave, toaster and kettle, and bought 30 litres of Dulux from Costco... think we're just about ready for the first stages of redecoration! We went to B&Q this morning and got a tape measure and some radiator paint, and think we're all set now!

Anyway, I won't be as late next week... promise!

Here are my bump pics, but at 33+4...

This is what Babycentre has to say about week 33... "Your baby now weighs about 5 pounds / 2.2 kilograms and measures approximately 19 inches/ 48 centimetres from head to toe. Your baby should already be getting ready for delivery by turning upside-down -- his head should be pointing down. Your doctor or midwife will be paying careful attention to your baby's position in the coming weeks -- some babies do decide to turn back round again.

Your baby's skull is still quite pliable and not completely joined, in part so he can ease out of the relatively narrow birth canal. But the bones in the rest of his body are hardening. Your baby's skin is also gradually becoming less red and wrinkled.

If you're a first-time mother, your child's head may move into the pelvis this week and press firmly against your cervix. (This happens for about half of all first-time mothers.) If you're a second-time mum, you can expect this to happen a week before labour -- and for some this won't happen until the start of labour.

Hoping to manage your labour naturally? Here's all you need to know about natural pain relief. You may notice that your feet and ankles are quite swollen by the end of the day. Water retention, also known as oedema, is often worse in warm weather and late in the day. Surprisingly, keeping hydrated helps reduce water retention. Your body -- particularly your kidneys -- and your baby need plenty of fluids, so drink up. If you suddenly feel swollen or puffy in your hands or face, however, call your doctor -- it may be a sign of pre-eclampsia."

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