Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Hospital Tour

The hospital I am booked in to does a tour once a week for people over 34 weeks, so last night I tried to get to it. I made Mum leave work early too so she could ask questions that maybe I wouldn't think of. We were just about on time, then all of a sudden we got chucked off the tube and had to wait 8 mins for a new one, then when we got to the station, our lift wasn't there as expected. I called the hospital to say I was running late, they said it was fine, and met me and mum as we got there. The rest of the tour was already going on and they were all in a delivery room. We got there as the midwife was saying "so any more questions while we're in here" - no one did, then she said, "right, hope you all have good births, bye"! Couldn't believe we'd got there just to hear her say that! Luckily she took us aside, and then gave us our own private tour which very nice of her. She had looked really cross when we got there, but she was actually really nice. The rooms in the Midwife Led Unit are nothing like what I expected, and very similar to the normal delivery rooms, but the lighting is lower, and there is less focus on the beds and more on the other things in there like birthing balls, stools and pools. There are really nice bedrooms there too, which I hope I will get a chance to use rather than get moved onto the ward if I have an overnight stay. The only thing that worried me was when she said occasionally they close. What?! How can you?! What if I need to have my baby?! You HAVE to be open! So I think my plan is to call up as early as possible in labour so they can keep me a space, even though I'm hoping to stay at home for as long as I can last.

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