Thursday, October 20, 2005

6 Weeks Pregnant

Yesterday, the stuff I'd ordered to help prevent and fade stretch marks arrived (Bio Oil)... I want to start my routine of applying every day as early as possible to try and combat the feckers!!

I was tired again yesterday, but not as thirsty, and still feeling very emotional... something silly was said at work and I just wanted to run off and have a little cry!

One of the friend's I'd told got very excited with me over email today which was nice. She told me she's already bought me baby stuff! Some Adidas trainers and some babygro's! She's such a cutie, and it made me want to look at cutesy baby stuff online too!

I tried calling my Nan in the morning and in the evening to tell her the news. I'd really wanted to tell her in person but I just wasn't sure when I'd next see her. I kept getting her voicemail, so while I was waiting for my train this morning, I gave her a call, and said "there's something I wanted to tell you in person but because I don't know when I'll see you next, I've rung to say that you're going to be a Great Grandma!" she was very pleased, congratulative and excited!

Now I have to tell my Dad and his parents. They're going to be the hardest for me, I really don't know why... I couldn't even be the one to tell my mum for God's sake! I'm such a wimp!

Today has started well, but I started heaving when I was brushing my teeth, so the seabands went straight on. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed I don't get sick!

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