Tuesday, October 18, 2005

How Dryyyyyyy

Last night we went back to Jacks, and it was the first time we'd seen his parents and sister since we told them The News... so it was really nice being asked 1000 questions (it makes me more excited when I talk about it!) and his Mum had even cooked me a seperate dinner incase I couldn't have the curry she'd done, bless her! I had the curry in the end... nothing wrong with spicy food.

Haha, on that subject, when I was telling Jack what foods I couldnt have... soft cheese, raw fish... I'd said "and definitely not mushrooms" (only because I can't stand them!), and last night he told his mum that I couldn't have them! What a sweetie, I couldn't stop laughing!

By 9pm I was ready for bed... we went up and spoke about where we're going to live now and about the future, then by 10 I was sound asleep! I do feel a lot better today for it, I have to say.

I had no other symptoms apart from noticing how dry I am! I must have had 9 pints of water yesterday, and was still gasping! Also my lips need lip balm on them every half an hour.

I felt so sick this morning on the train, it was packed and I didn't get a seat. Luckily I'm wearing a long sleeved top so I just put on my seabands and they seem to have helped.

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